Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Doomsday Castle

I'm not sure exactly why, but apparently National Geographic is airing a reality show, "Doomsday Castle."  The show features a family who is building a castle.  The head of the family is a "prepper", but before you give in to visions of some video-game addict who is convinced of the advent of a zombie apocalypse, Brent Sr. believes that our country (and others) is susceptible to and would be devastated by a large-scale EMP detonation that would cripple the country by knocking it off of the power grid.  He wants to protect his family from the panic and lawlessness that would inevitably result by using a fairly tried-and-true-method: the castle.  Castles were used by kings and nobility for hundreds of years to protect themselves and their holdings from hostile attacks, so he may be on to something.

I, too, have occasionally wondered how people in our country could function if they were deprived of all their electronics.  Be that as it may, I think I'll have to check this series out, if for no other reason than to see how they go about building their castle. 

If you would like to learn more about the series, click here.

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