Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Marriage Contract, Henry VIII x Katherine of Aragon

Marriage contract between Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon

Marriages between high-ranking personages were as much business contracts and treaties as they were a solemn union before God.  Marriages were made to cement alliances, acquire property or territory, or to secure gold via a dowry.

The above marriage contract is that between Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon.  It was signed in 1503 and the Pope granted the dispensation for the marriage the following year.  But in 1505, Henry VII had begun to question his wisdom in contracting an alliance with Spain and forced his son to repudiate the betrothal.  Katherine was left stranded in England.  She had little money, little chance for a new suitor, and little prospect of returning to Spain.

When Henry VII died and his son became Henry VIII, he honored the agreement and married Katherine on June 11, 1509

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